I Trust My Country

I Trust My Country

تحليل وآراء

الثلاثاء، ١٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣

Errors in spiritual and political beliefs accumulate, affiliations and degrees of faith vary, and societies debate debates that have reached the limits of intellectual conflicts and reached levels of fighting, pitting everyone between supporters and opponents, and with them irrational alignments have emerged, and calls for unruliness have begun to rise and accelerate in trends of accepting reality, and even embracing ideas rolling across the surface of the world. ; 
Which begins with the people of one nation and ends with programmed policies aimed at destabilizing societies and overcomplicating their existence. Our societies have not yet reached the concepts and literature of rational dialogue. Rather, they have turned to fighting in order to reap divisive or separatist gains through it. I am certain that I am in disagreement and conflict, even with everyone who says, said, or He wrote: (Betrayal or corruption of the homeland is imposed by necessity.)
Even if his intentions in what he aims to achieve are reformist or alert, the mere presence of the word betrayal or corruption means that we are building the thought of non-belonging, and I also do not agree absolutely with the philosophy of Arab Zionism, whether Islamic or Christian, because it In the final outcome, it will lead to the dissolution of the identity of the national personality and then the erasure of the Arab personality. This is not only because I oppose the idea of ​​Zionism and its historical and modernist philosophy, but because I realized the goals inherent in its depth and the goals of its control over nations and peoples, and its strengthening of racism and ethnic chauvinism in order to make the historical Jewish idea successful. Through it, manipulating the faith of peoples and destroying their cultures.   
I trust my country and those who build it and those who protect and manage it because it represents me and I represent it. It has imbued me with its color and imprinted me with its character, and it has become my identity and my passport wherever I go and in whatever country I reside. I carry my culture, principles, and human and moral values ​​from it, so how can I not belong to it and how can I be imprinted with the natures of others?
My logic is to respect it. The customs, traditions, and beliefs of others, and that I interact with them by virtue of the fact that I live within their freedom, which requires me to submit to their laws without abandoning my true and sound values ​​and principles. If I do that, I will turn into a follower, and no matter what I do, positive or negative, I will be referred to, at any moment, as a son of my country. The original, and here I must point out that building the spirit of faith in the homeland and its appearance is considered one of the first priorities for building the human being. Therefore, I find that building the homeland’s doctrine in governance is an inevitable and creative necessity in the state’s own policies, which are based on balance between the spectrums of society and its individuals, and this is what strengthens the meeting. It encourages children to develop and defend it without hesitation or accusing its existence or role.
My homeland was born to continue socially, politically, economically, militarily, culturally, and spiritually, with its sects, religions, and gods that grant its national powers to defend it.
My homeland represents the family that believes in its genetic ties. Even if it differs, it will return to its originality and belonging. My purpose here is not to present its history or what it presented to humanity, and its importance. Which placed him on the international stage and confirmed his presence, despite the manifestations that were happening to him beyond his control and incidents related to the programmed ambitions of the great powers that volunteered a handful of his sons to create chaos in him and achieve inferior goals that worked to delay him. However, his comprehensive picture remains rare among those present, here. I say that if his children do not protect him, God will not protect him, and those who depend on him, those who believe in him and carry him in their minds and hearts, who are confident in their standing in the face of the disturbing levels of growth of modern liberalism and the permissibility of globalization, which requires satisfying its believers and those who hesitate with it with national and humanitarian values ​​through the creation of a qualitative educational policy that is in harmony with the facts and contexts.
The new manifestations of the world, and the revision of new concepts coming from the West, and this is done by creating a cohesive link to the national curricula that is compatible with the nation’s methodology by paying attention to the use of modern technology and educating adults before children on it, especially since the hyper-complexity of societies and countries has been based on the idea of ​​dismantling morals by destroying their educational structure. This takes two decades. That is, creating a generation that produces subsequent leaders capable of destroying values ​​and principles, in addition to weakening the spiritual institution by introducing administrations for its affairs that are distracted by appearance and spreading husks instead of preparing consciences and souls. Knowledge and the spirit are twin brothers, if they are faced positively, development occurs, and if the opposite occurs, fragmentation, regression, and alienation occur.
I trust my country, in which I call for an intellectual, spiritual, educational and scientific revolution, in order to accelerate the true grasp of the cornerstones of development. Everyone is developing with great acceleration. I do not want it to remain trapped in routine institutional language due to its location in the middle of global complexities. If my country is a carrier of the message of faith and civilization, then I address myself with my words. This is for everyone who wants to believe in him, his presence, and his future.
Dr. Nabil Toumeh
Member of Parliament, Syrian Arab Republic
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